Monday, May 4, 2009

Muslim Demographics (Interesting video)

I watched this. I found it interesting. I also found the opportunity for critical evaluation of the evidence brought forth in the video.

For these reasons, I thought I'd share:

Monday, April 6, 2009

Declining Language

I just want to bring up the topic of language which was discussed briefly last week. Do you think it is good that the world is loosing languages every year? Are there benefits from having so many languages in the world or is it just a hassle? Should it be more of a requirement for kids to learn and be able to speak another language? I think that knowing more than your native language is a very good thing, especially how the world is becoming more connected and globalized. An interesting thing about language is that you can't always say the exact same thing in another language because of it's vocabulary. This is just an interesting thing to think about, especially since so many languages are being forgotten.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I thought I would create a topic about this because I got the impression in class that no one had heard of it before, and because I'm bored.

Twitter is a social networking micro-blogging service.
In layman's terms: a social website where people update their profiles using quick little messages. These are made using the website itself or your cell phone. You can also be updated by text when any update occurs or for specific updates of your choice.

It started in 2006 but has become increasingly popular over the past year--trailing right behind Myspace and Facebook. People use Twitter to keep track (known as following in Twitter terminology) of what their friends are doing, or what they did a certain day, to track weather/news/sports information, or to follow music artists, actors/actresses, or other popular people.

If you're interested in checking it out go here:

Creating an account is free and pretty easy.
If you have unlimited texting, you're good to go.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Is it me, or is the mass media just ignoring the fact that we are the NEW Rome? Obama is Ceaser and he loves to play to the masses. We are watching as America falls, and we do nothing, we are sitting here and talking about useless things like the fact that people at a company got thier bonuses. How about all the cash that got sent over to Europe with the bail out money?!?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Obama's speech on education

So I just read an article on yahoo news about Obama's plans for our education system, "Obama backs teacher merit pay, charter schools" by Libby Quaid of the Associated Press. He raises his concerns about the achievement gap between ethnic children and their "white counterparts", how other countries education system outpaces ours, and how our teacher quality falls short of what it should be. He suggests changes at every level starting before kinder through college and to make our school years a month longer.

I understand about the achievement gap. I do see it myself, coming from Texas and having moved to Minnesota when I was 14 in my freshmen year of high school. I went from a B average to a C/D average. It was devastating. The school system here was extremely different from the south. I went back to a B average a few months later but it took a long time to adjust. I really do like Obama's plan on that part. I also agree with the whole teacher quality thing. I've had quite a few teachers who seem like they don't even like their job and then take it out on the students or who teach right out of a book without taking the time to check if the students are learning anything. My school years are full of those kinds of teachers. I don't want my kids having to suffer through that when they start school.

Only two things bother me about Obama's plan. The extra month of school every year, for one. I have enough to juggle in my life, now I am going to have to think about an extra month of school for me and my kids. That sucks. That is going to affect my job, my pay checks, and my bills. I already pay $60 a month for my 5 yr old to go to pre k. I also do not like how Obama wants to start changes in every level beginning before Kinder. I dont like that one bit. I want my kids to enjoy being kids while they can. Im in no hurry to see them grow up faster than they have to.

Sorry if I rambled, but I found this article pretty interesting, and I'd like to know what others think about it too. Correct me if I got anything wrong about the article.

Monday, February 23, 2009

When Life Begins

Since Raj has stated in class now about three different times that the point at which life begins is scientifically unknown, and since class discussion cascades into discussion about abortion pretty regularly, I thought I'd create a discussion topic here specifically for this: when human life begins.

Keep in mind that "When does personhood begin?" is an entirely different argument.

Most likely, you hold one of two views:

  • View A: It is unknown when human life begins. It is a moral, philosophical, subjective opinion of yours exactly when it begins.

  • View B: Human life begins at [insert conception or point in development here].

Now that we've got that out of the way, what if I told you there is scientific proof of when life begins, and that there is a field of science (fetology) particularly knowledgeable about this? I'm going to present to you the scientific research done on the matter so far below, and I want anyone who agrees, disagrees, or wants to talk about it to post here. All opinions are welcome. Please do not post, however, before you observe the following sources:

I found these using Google, typing in "When does life begin?," When does human life begin?" and similar such phrases. I read them over myself before posting.

White Paper. When Does Human Life Begin?

The Facts of When Human Life Begins

Prolife Physicians: When Does Human Life Begin?

The Case Against Abortion: Medical Testimony

Rich Nation

There is no way to make a statement about being a rich nation without sounding like a complete asshole... So I would perfer not to disclose my opinion on this matter...