Monday, April 6, 2009

Declining Language

I just want to bring up the topic of language which was discussed briefly last week. Do you think it is good that the world is loosing languages every year? Are there benefits from having so many languages in the world or is it just a hassle? Should it be more of a requirement for kids to learn and be able to speak another language? I think that knowing more than your native language is a very good thing, especially how the world is becoming more connected and globalized. An interesting thing about language is that you can't always say the exact same thing in another language because of it's vocabulary. This is just an interesting thing to think about, especially since so many languages are being forgotten.


  1. i agree that language is extremely important. I think its a benefit to having several languages because even if there are two people that speak different languages, if their languages derived from one another, they might succeed at communicating, even if they dont speak the same exact language. I also think language is beneficial because if you know another language, it shows others that you are willing to try and communicate with them, it shows that at least you are making an effort.

  2. I think that it is interesting that when we see ppl talking in there own languages in America we get upset and think that they should be speaking english, but if you happen to go to a different country they seem to welcome you either way, granted there are also ppl there that might get upset that you dont speak their language, but many times they are just happy that you are putting forth effort. And I dont think that this only goes for the language aspect, but also the history and pride aspect. When I recently traveled outside out the country I couldnt help but notice how proud everyone was of there country and how willing they were to teach you about their history. And I might sound a little bias but I feel like that isnt the case so much here in America.
