Tuesday, January 27, 2009

critical thinking vs. basic thinking

I think the reason we should have critical thinking IS because we don't want a bunch of people just making statements. I can't stand it when people base their opinions off of hearsay or a majority vote. And how do we make a good solid opinion of our own if we don't completely know what it is we're thinking about. I made my decision between republican and democrat through looking at the opinions, why the opinions are what they are and what the affects are of the opinions being acted on. And I'm not trying to say republicans are better. In this day and age, it's all based upon the lesser of two evils. Someone could have been raised being taught and/or only have ever thought about the basic things. The face arguments that divide their party from the other. Without critical thinking, someone could vote for Runner1 because they heard this or Runner2 because they heard that. Now I'm going to base these fake candidates and their opinions off of today's face dividing arguments and then economical commons. Say the differences were Runner1 is for gay marriage but what you don't know is they are not for tax drops, but Runner2 is against gay marriage and for tax drops. Now for someone who hasn't learned about critical thinking, they will go with the most common thing in their favor. Say the voter (Voter) wanted gay marriage. Sure that will effect the country around them in their own perspective's favor in the long run. Now say because of that Voter's vote, Runner1 wins. So Voter is happy! Until they find out that how it effects them in the immediate and the most potent way is not what they wanted and they are stuck with higher taxes for the next 4-8 years. ESPECIALLY TODAY we need to be careful about this. Everyone sees an evil and needs to apply the positives and negatives to themselves. This is where critical thinking comes in


  1. Very good points. I think a lot of people just look at a couple of issues instead of the whole picture. People need to be critical of what they read/hear and do some reasearch for themselves.

  2. I also agree with pj. I dont understand how people dont critically think. i will learn a lot in this class but i think having reasons to back up a conclusion is common sense and i believe the people that say blunt statements like "Bush was a bad president" dont think when they speak. i hate talking with people that say random statements and no reason to speak. I think everyone needs to learn how to think and act for themselves without having others form their opinions.

  3. I agree with pj. I think people need to be more informed why they believe the opinions that they hold. to me, critical thinking is common sense. i dont understand how people can affect others' opinions when they dont use any reasons to support their conclusion

  4. Yeah I mean saying something baseless because thats what someone else told them or it's what they were raised around is definitely very basic. Not a lot of critical thought there.
