Sunday, January 25, 2009

What Makes Global Warming True?

What makes Global Warming true?
 I've been told that Global Warming is a real problem. When I've asked what makes that statement true the common reply is, "Because a group of scientists signed a document saying that it is."
That is true. Some scientists DID sign a document, but what is the document based on?
"Strong amounts of evidence which suggest that it's real," is the reply.
Hold on though. According to Asking The Right Questions by M. Neil Browne and Stuart M. Keeley (one of the books we bought for class), all that evidence CAN do is SUGGEST. It is not a conclusion. So let us put on our "critical thinking caps" and stay open to the fact that Global Warming may not be an absolute, despite popular belief.


  1. I agree. Some scientists are saying global warming is real, but what about the scientists that say the current weather conditions are from a naturally occuring changes in the climate? A person needs to critically examine the whole issue before making their desicion.

  2. I'm thinking that Raj bringing up global warming may have been a test to see if you would examine the issue critically.. lol

  3. Well it is clear that global warming is real; the global temperature is gradually increasing. Some glaciers have begun to melt away, waters levels have slightly increased, and hurricanes have become more intense within recent years. However, it is the cause of it that should be the real question. A lot of evidence shows that the fossil fuels that we use are the cause of the climate shift. But, I've also heard that the temperatures of the other planets in our solar system have also increased at close to the same rate. Despite this evidence, however, I believe that the burning of fossil fuels does have a negative affect on our atmosphere.

  4. I agree that the burning of fossil fuels is probably having a negative our atmosphere, however, I am only suggesting that this THEORY of global warming might all just be a farce. Didn't most scientists believe at one point that the earth was flat? Didn't most scientists believe at one point that we were the center of our solar system? They've been wrong before. What is stopping them from being wrong again? I can only imagine what the people of our planet will be saying hundreds of years from now (if we last that long) when they realize that we (being the scientific community) were wrong. Besides all of that, why is it that the man who presented us with this "problem" flies everywhere in his private jet? Wouldn't it be better for our atmosphere if he was to ride coach or even business class with everyone else? If global warming is real, the people who invented it are seeming pretty hypocritical and idiotic to me. To be quite honest, it scares and astounds me when I see everybody trusting people like that. What has become of discernment and wisdom? But know that all of this is not to say that absolutely right. I always want to leave room for critical thought.

  5. Besides, over 650 scientists are actually rebelling against the UN position paper on global warming. That number is more than 12 times the number of the 52 scientists who authored it. I've found some fascinating information about the whole thing which I think would be good for us all to take a look at:
