Sunday, January 25, 2009

"why critical thinking as oppose to simply teaching the basics"

That's like asking why not live the good life as opposed to just dreaming of one. Everyone dreams of living their idea of a good life but few really do live it. Its takes more than dreams to get you where you want to be, to have all the things you want to have, to become the person you want to be. Just like it takes more than knowing the basics to be socially literate. The basics only gets a person so far. I believe critical thinking is a skill not many people have learned to aquire and those who have, do not even use it correctly. I must admit I more than likely fall into that category myself, so this class does hold that particular interest for me.

I think most people dont care to broaden that knowledge. I think critical thinking makes people fearful of raising issues that most of us dont care to think about. Honestly, even I find myself avoiding certain questions and issues because it takes me out of my comfort zone. I dont want to face the harsh realities of the world beyond my own. I've grown tired of the arguments and tensions, of always having to defend my own personal beliefs. In more ways than one, that is one aspect of this class I really do dread. I don't have the energy to argue at this point. I'm more than willing to listen to others point of views and opinions, and even consider them myself. At the end, though, if you ask for my views, I expect the same respect. I don't like it when someone is drop dead set on trying to change my views. If it doesn't happen, the person should learn to accept it and just let it go.

So far, the books for this class have intrigued me and provoked different ideas in me about how I see things. I still do not desire to debate on any of these issues, but I like hearing the different views. I can't say I feel very strongly about any one of the issues raised. Personally, I think every issue has a compromise, a middle ground. They are not always the best but better than the extremes of either/or, in my opinion.

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