Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Police or Partner

Personal opinion is that America should just remain nuetral towards most things, it would just make things a lot easier. Though since thats not how it works in the real world I'd say we are the police, people respect us because we are a THREAT. We are the most powerful nation in the world and what we say goes. We have the resources and the man power to destroy other nations, it doesn't really take much to convert a car manufactoring company to a weapons factory.


  1. We have progressed so much as a society with our technology, weapons, medicines, science and such. It seems America has worked its way up as a supreme force in the eyes of the world. I can see why we take such pride in this, but when is pride too much? Will our pride eventually be our downfall? That thought scares me because I truly think it is possible.

    I think we do well as policemen, but we could make more progress as partners as well. Maybe if we could become as good of partners as we are policemen, we would be able to swallow some pride and accept help if ever we are in need of it again.

  2. I believe we should partner with other countries to help them out. If America suffers, other countries suffer. So don't we owe it to them to try and help their problems?
    I don't think we should go to war to try to change other cultures because that isn't right to force another culture to embrace what they don't believe in.
    If we partner with other countries, we will have more alliances and that would be a good thing if we ever get attacked again. Also we wouldn't be intruding in countries that don't want us there because if we were partners, they would want our help.

  3. I think that the U.S. shouldn't get involved in most situations because America often ends up making enemies at the same time. However, if a country is in desperate need of help, I would suggest that the U.S. be more of a partner diplomatically. If America is a partner, then they work together; this would mean that they are less involved than being police. Taking the role of the police would imply that America is in charge of the situation. American troops shouldn't have to die protecting some other country. Also, if the U.S. chooses to be the police, it makes it much more difficult to back out. For example, the situation in Iraq. Since America is so involved, it would be immoral to leave and let Iraq's future crumble.
