Monday, February 23, 2009

When Life Begins

Since Raj has stated in class now about three different times that the point at which life begins is scientifically unknown, and since class discussion cascades into discussion about abortion pretty regularly, I thought I'd create a discussion topic here specifically for this: when human life begins.

Keep in mind that "When does personhood begin?" is an entirely different argument.

Most likely, you hold one of two views:

  • View A: It is unknown when human life begins. It is a moral, philosophical, subjective opinion of yours exactly when it begins.

  • View B: Human life begins at [insert conception or point in development here].

Now that we've got that out of the way, what if I told you there is scientific proof of when life begins, and that there is a field of science (fetology) particularly knowledgeable about this? I'm going to present to you the scientific research done on the matter so far below, and I want anyone who agrees, disagrees, or wants to talk about it to post here. All opinions are welcome. Please do not post, however, before you observe the following sources:

I found these using Google, typing in "When does life begin?," When does human life begin?" and similar such phrases. I read them over myself before posting.

White Paper. When Does Human Life Begin?

The Facts of When Human Life Begins

Prolife Physicians: When Does Human Life Begin?

The Case Against Abortion: Medical Testimony


  1. With all the technology available today, it only makes sense that scientists have scientifically discovered when human life begins. I think people just don't want to accept the fact that abortion is taking the life of a human. Before there was the ability to determine when life begans, it was easier for people to accept abortion. Now that there is proof of when life begins people don't want to believe it because it would mean having to change their way of life. People would have to accept that they were wrong and that abortion is infact killing an individual human being. I believe life begins at conception.

  2. Personally I believe that Abortion is not acceptable... but is tolerable with danger to the mother or child or rape cases. Yes, it is taking a humans life and I do believe that life begins at conception and it would change a way of life and thats why people cant accept any new facts besides for what they were brought up in or have learned to believe.

  3. If abortion wasnt legal, we would have 40,000+ more people in our country, which would lead us faster into overpopulation so i think abortion is great if the people that are getting them performed can live with that decision and not use abortion as a form of birth control. If life begins as a cell, then shouldnt we NOT take contraceptives to prevent this "life"? I think that America is too much of a self-indulgent country to be abstinent, yet too immature for us all to become parents.

  4. "If life begins as a cell, then shouldnt we NOT take contraceptives to prevent this "life"?"

    I'm actually against artificial contraception, but that's a different subject entirely.

  5. And also

    "If abortion wasnt legal, we would have 40,000+ more people in our country"

    If every legal abortion that has occurred in the US instead resulted in that child being born, there would be appr. 39,000,000 more people in the US. I don't believe in the end justifying the means (abortion to reduce population), but those are the statistics.

    "i think abortion is great if the people . . . [do] not use abortion as a form of birth control."

    Then you don't think abortion is so great. In a 2000 study, if you took all the abortions caused by rape, incest, or endangerment of the health of the mother and grouped them together, they only equaled to 1% of ALL abortions performed.

    I don't think most people realize how serious
    this really is.


    1987 study:

    2000 and 2004 studies:
