Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Obama Random Thoughts.

In class we were talking about President Obama. I was wondering, doesnt it seem as if he is trying to please everyone. He seems that he trying to take us from what we were and cahnge us into something that can not be done over night. I personally think that he has some great high hopes for what we could be, but I believe that he is attempting to get us into something that we as a country isnt ready for. Everyone said they wanted change but now that we have it they dont want to give the little bit to make a huge change. Does America really know what we want? Or do we just think we do, and at that is one man able to make one huge change on his own because of his dreams and because of what they say Americans said that they wanted.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Actually even though it was a large percentage win for Obama, forty-some percent of people voted for "the other guy." It does seem as though he wants to make a change but not necessarily to all of us but for all of us. The thing in which he has done so far have mostly been to unveil what the American government really is. I'm not into so called Bush-bashing and that is not what I am intending to do, he thought by making all decisions secretively that he would have the greatest chance of protecting a nation. At least that is what it seemed to me, as though the his decision or the decisions of his cabinet personnel were the only ones that counted. Never did you see the openness that you see now and I hope it goes a lot further. I think the only way to ensure safety is to let everyone know the dangers that are really out there. We are now a global economy, but we must also become a global community. We cannot hoard wealth and technology for the pure sake of security, and this is not national security I am talking about, it's pocket book security. I hope all the things, all the moral and values, that Obama ran his election campaign on come through to clearly be seen during his time as president. I hope he is able to go and have frank talks to other not so "friendly" countries in order to salvage what America truly stood for when it was first established.

  3. I see that too. I am really not sure how that is going to work out. I think the younger generations will adapt to his way of thinking alot easier than our older generations. Even now, I know many of my elders can hold grudges for eternity. They do not easily forgive or forget, and they still can not let go of the injustices they faced when they were young. Im not from that era, so its like being stuck between a rock and another rock. LOL. I just hope for the best. All I can do really.

  4. It is very hard for me to be in a class where i am the only democrat. seriously. obama has been in office sixty some days and people are all ready tearing him apart. change isnt going to occur immediately. i understand why upper middle class people do notagree with obama's ideas with america's money but for the people with small paychecks, it will make a huge difference. i think if obama does well, everyone will over praise him, and if he fails, i think everyone will look at him worse than they look at bush. and i think that is because of his race, age, and hopes for america. i really hope he can save our country and i think people need to point at the person that ran it into the ground, not the new guy. OBAMA!!!
